Size: XL (142 x 82mm)
Sample list of phones (case fits to many other models)
HTC: ONE, Sennsation XL
LG: Nexus4, Optimus HD 4, P880
Motorola: Razr XT910
Samsung: Galaxy Nexus i9250. S3 9300, S4 9505
Sony: Xperia Z
Subtotal: 183,00 KM
Size: XL (142 x 82mm)
Sample list of phones (case fits to many other models)
HTC: ONE, Sennsation XL
LG: Nexus4, Optimus HD 4, P880
Motorola: Razr XT910
Samsung: Galaxy Nexus i9250. S3 9300, S4 9505
Sony: Xperia Z